Youth Makers Market

Vendor Information & Application

2025 Vendor Submissions Are Open!

Who Can Apply?

All makers 18 and under that handmake/design their own goods are welcome to apply. This can be anything from art, to textiles, to paper goods, to jewelry, and beyond! As long as you make your items, we’d love to have you send in a submission. We’re looking for a fun, eclectic group of young makers for our first youth market. 

All applications must be made online through the form below. Please note that we cannot accept fax, mailed, telephone, or email applications.

We understand that some elements of making might be outside the ability of a youth, including certain finishing aspects of some items.  Parents are allowed to help with the items, however the youth needs to be responsible for 85% of the item’s completion.

A parent/guardian must be present with the youth on market day for vendors 14 and under. We will supply the tables, vendors are required to bring their own table cloths, displays, etc.

We are only accepting low-risk food vendors at this time. Low Risk Foods are defined as any of the low risk foods outlined by AHS in this information sheet.  No meats, low acid canned foods, dairy, or other high risk/easily perishable items are accepted. All food vendors must also label their home made goods as outlined by the above linked sheet in order to be accepted.

All food vendors (youth and parent/guardian) must also complete the Alberta Health Services Alberta Food Safety Basics for Farmers’ Markets course (here), and present their certificate with their stall fee and signed agreement.

All vendors must read the guidelines here prior to submitting their application. Please note that this is a handmade fair.  Items being sold must be made by the vendor or be wholly designed by the vendor if commercially produced (e.g. magnets and pins designed by an artist and then printed commercially). Please be sure to fully read the guidelines linked above prior to submitting.  We do not accept resellers, or multi-level marketing.

While we’d love for all youth to have a spot, unfortunately we have limited tables. We will choose vendors based on how many applications we get of each kind of creation, age group, and levels of achievement in the youth’s chosen art/craft.

Absolutely! If you have more than one youth 18 and under interested in vending and they would like to share a table, that is welcome. Please note, sharing of tables is only allowed for the 8 ft size.

5 foot: $10
6 foot: $12
8 foot: $15


Payments will be accepted via cheque, e-transfer, cash, or debit/credit card (please note there is a fee for card transactions).

Submissions Close: April 19th, 2025
Vendors notified by: April 26th, 2025
Payments/certifications (if required) due: May 3rd, 2025

Vendor Submission